1. The University of Lincoln open day was one big lie
2. Dominos may have given you 100’s of vouchers in freshers week; but by December this is all you can afford:
3. No matter how far you are in your overdraft; you can always find pennies for alcohol
4. …But you probably forgot to budget for mixers; so you end up with the squash in the cupboard
5. No matter how organised you are; you always end up leaving essays to the day before hand in
6. … And you soon realise it is possible to get a 2.1 on an essay that you finished at 4am
7. You have quickly learnt how to reach the required word count
8. That group projects aren’t as fun as they sounded at the beginning of term
9. That washing up is a way bigger deal than you anticipated
10. The 4hour long sunday edition of Come Dine With Me is your new best friend
11. That you’ve genuinely put more effort into some of your drinking games than you have your assignments
12. That you’re now close enough to your flatmates to drop the killer ‘Never have I ever’
13. You’ve learnt that free entry before 11pm is free for a reason.
14. And how to become semi-pro at a straw-pedio
15. That you should always leave engine shed before the lights come on