Interested people, groups or organisations can complete the online consultation, with paper copies also available at City Hall.
A public consultation is underway on City of Lincoln Council’s proposed criteria to decide on planning applications for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs).
Following a consultation exercise in respect of the options available to the city council for the future management and control of houses in multiple occupation, the council has made an Article 4 direction, relating to houses in multiple occupation, for the whole of the City of Lincoln Council area.
The direction relates to development comprising the change of use from a use falling within Class C3 (dwellinghouses) of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1997, as amended; to a use falling within Class C4 (houses in multiple occupation) of that Order, and removes permitted development rights for this type of development.
Planning permission will therefore be required for change of use from Class C3 to C4 from 1 March 2016, subject to the consideration of representations and confirmation by the city council.
The council’s Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) sets out how many HMOs would be allowed in a particular area, what the radius would be for assessing the impact of HMO development and whether there should be any exceptions.
The consultation will run until October 16, after which responses will be analysed and a final document put before the Executive in December, when the decision of whether to implement Article 4 will be made.
For further information, key milestones, A copy of the direction, including a map defining the area covered can be seen on The City of Lincoln’s Webiste