Over the last 6 months we have been working hard on creating our new offices. After weeks of careful planning and discussions with both landlords and students on where we should locate our new offices. We originally had 2 main choices, we either move to Silver Street and set up shop next to our residential lettings competitors in the centre of town next to popular student bars and nightclubs, or, we follow our Student lettings competitors and set our sights on Carholme Road.
After weeks of consultation with both landlords, tenants and students we decided that neither location was ideal. Students rarely head to Silver Street for lettings and Carholme Road is only good for students in the West End. Since we started we have always bucked the trend. We are the first lettings agent to create a 100% online automated maintenance submission system. We are the first lettings agent to provide online accounts for all our managed properties, online property inspection reports and online application & guarantor forms. We decided that simply following the competition wasn’t us and neither location would serve our needs.
With the above in mind we decided that we needed to stay close to our roots, we found an old building next to campus and managed to secure it just before Christmas. We are pleased to announce that at Student Housing Lincoln we are now the closest lettings agent to campus! Not only does this mean we get more foot fall than any other lettings agency, we also get prime foot fall; not just from students who live on Carhomle Road but from students all over the city.
We are surrounded by university owned or managed buildings, putting us in a prime location for students, with on site parking, large advertising space and 600 students walking past every hour we couldn’t be more thrilled with our new offices.
If you would like more information on the build please read our newest article building our new home.
Thanks to everyone who helped us with this new project! We couldn’t have done it without the help of our dedicated tenants and landlords! We look forward to seeing you in our new offices in the near future!