Financial help when you need it.
We understand that with the recent pandemic you may be having concerns that you'll be unable to pay your next due rent.
We understand the tough environment that students are currently facing. We want you to know help is available and all you have to do is ask!

Apply For A University Grant
Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for a financial grant to help you pay for your time at university

Apply For A University Loan
There are a range of loans and funding options available when starting university which you may be eligible to
Short Term Loans
Enrolled full-time UK home students who are eligible for a Maintenance Loan but whose funding is delayed at the start of the academic year and who have no other means of support, may apply for a Short-term Loan from the University of Lincoln Financial Assistance Fund (ULFAF). It is a loan and therefore repayable.
The University of Lincoln has authorisation from the Financial Conduct Authority to give debt advice and issue short term loans.
If you need help... Ask,
We want to encourage all tenants to ask for help when they need it. Please don't allow financial pressures to effect your time at university, we and others are here to help and support you.