1. Moving in is the possibly the most terrifying thing in the world

2. And making a good first impression on your flatmates is parramount.

3. And making small talk is the absolute worst.

4. It quickly becomes apparent that no one knows how to successfully adult.

5. And that, to be honest, none of you won’t even try very hard to learn how.

6. You drag yourself to countless taster team sessions and initiations, but everyone knows you’re only there for one thing.

7. And you struggle to sound cool with new people on your course.

8. While worrying about whether it’s worth joining some societies or not.

9. Once lectures begin, you start off eagerly enough, but soon your standards start to slip once the reality of 9am lectures in the Minerva building set in.

10. Until, eventually, you’re lucky if you make it into uni at all – especially Thursday morning after QUACK in the Engine Shed

11. You’re rarely as excited as when your flatmates suggest another take out from JustEat.

12. And you’re always up for a Friday night out as Superbull Lincoln.

13. No matter how much sleep you get, it’s never going to be enough.

14. And you’ll literally do anything at all to not do any work at all.

15. So you become a pro at making up excuses to get deadline extensions.

16. And pretending to know what’s going on becomes a daily routine.

17. Occasionally you feel motivated to get your first year back on track…

18. But it never lasts long…

19. By the time exams roll around in term 3, you feel like giving up.

20. And start to resent everyone who told you “first year doesn’t even count”.

21. At the end of the year, you can barely believe you’ve survived, let alone passed.

22. While worrying ever so slightly how you’re going to cope with the rest of your life if this is how you coped with first year.

via giphy.com